Summer bodies don’t always happen in the winter, in fact, summer bodies can still be achieved in the warmer months as well as maintained! We work hard after the holidays to “get our body back” and our skin in shape to be ready for swimsuits, dresses and short sleeves and less makeup to have a fresh summer glow but with all of the BBQs, birthday parties, beach outings and night activities it’s easy to get off track. Summer also influences us to be more health conscious on the inside so why not maintain a healthy outside as well!
Our facility focuses on health year-round! We encourage a healthy inside which shines through on the outside. By maintaining a youthful appearance and abundant collagen all year long we can feel and look our best always!
How can you stay healthy this summer?
Stay hydrated! Drinking a lot of water is not only good for our bodies to stay hydrated but it helps keep our skin healthy as well.
Eating a healthy, balanced diet – vegetables, lean meats, and alternative proteins as well as grains and fruit are all part of a healthy diet. Our body needs healthy proteins and fats from salmon and avocado for example.
Exercise – to keep our hearts healthy, our minds invigorating and our body strong and ready for new adventures.
Now that we have taken care of the inside let’s focus a little more on the outside. Sure staying hydrated and eating a healthy diet as well as exercise keeps up functioning on the inside but what it can’t do is fight aging and damaged skin on the outside!
Our skin and tissues age no matter your hydration, diet, or exercise regimens. Collagen deteriorates with age and sun damage from previous years starts to surface leaving us with age spots and pigmentation disorders.